1. Cook, T. A., The Curves of life. Originally published by Constable and Company, London,1914; Reprinted by Dover Publications, New York. See also: El Naschie, M. S., MultidimensionalCantor-like Sets and ergodic behaviour. Speculation in Science and Technology, 1992, 15 (2) , 138-142.
2. Kapproff, J., McGraw Hill, New York, 1991.
3. Beutelspracher, A. and Petri, B., Der Goldene Schnitt. Wissenshafts Verlag, Mannheim,1989.
4. El Naschie, M. S., Branching polymers and the fractal Cantorian spacetime. Chaos, Solitons andFractals, 1998, 9 (1/2) , 135–141.
5. Vajda, S., Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers and the Golden Section. J. Wiley, New York,1989.