1. T.A. Stock, P.X. Bellini, P.L.N. Murthy, C.C. Chamis, A probabilistic approach to composite micromechanics, NASA TM 101366, 1988
2. C.C. Chamis, T.A. Stock, Probabilistic simulation of uncertainties in composite uniaxial strengths, NASA TM 102483, 1990
3. G.T. Mase, P.L.N. Murthy, C.C. Chamis, Probabilistic micromechanics and macromechanics of polymer matrix composites, NASA TM 103669, 1991
4. M.C. Shiao, C.C. Chamis, Probabilistic evaluation of fuselage-type composite structures, NASA TM 105881, 1991
5. P.L.N. Murthy, C.C. Chamis, Integrated composite analyzer (ICAN), Users and programmers manual, NASA TP 2515, 1986