1. CMH-17-3G, Composite Materials Handbook, Polymer Matrix Composites Materials Useage, Design and Analysis, vol 3, Published by SAE International, March 2012.
2. D.L. Potter, Primary Adhesively Bonded Structure Technology (PABST): Design Handbook for Adhesive Bonding, USAF Technical Report, AFFDL-TR-79-3129, November, 1979.
3. L.J. Hart-Smith, Design Methodology for – Bonded-Bolted Composite Joints, User Manual and Computer Codes, Technical Report AFWAL-TR-81-3154, vol. II, February 1982.
4. L.J. Hart-Smith, Adhesively Bonded Double Lap Joints, NASA Langley Research Center Report NASA CR-112235, January 1973.
5. L.J. Hart-Smith, Adhesive Bonded Scarf and Lap Joints, NASA Langley Research Center Report NASA CR-112237, January 1973.