1. P. Norajitra, R. Giniyatulin, T. Ihli, G. Janeschitz, W. Krauss, R. Kruessmann, et al., He-cooled divertor development for DEMO, these proceedings.
2. HEBLO, a helium blanket test loop for small test sections of helium cooled solid breeder blankets;Norajitra,1996
3. Use of a helium loop to develop components for fusion reactors;Krüßmann,2005
4. R. Kruessmann, P. Norajitra (ed.), Conceptual design of a He-cooled divertor with integrated flow and heat transfer promoters (PPCS subtask TW3-TRP-001-D2), Part II: Detailed Version, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA 6975, April 2004.
5. R. Kruessmann, Parametric study to evaluate the design options of the HEMJ divertor cooling concept by CFD simulations (Task TW4-TRP-001), Internal Report, Fusion 269, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, July 2006, unpublished.