1. Boeing FDDI Transmitter and Receiver technical data sheet, Boeing Microelectronics, P.O. Box 3999, Mailstop 88-44, Seattle, Washington, 98124–2499.
2. Harris Fiber-Optic Transmitter/Receiver (FOTR) Product Description, Harris Corp., Government Aerospace Systems Division, P.O. Box 94000, Melbourne, Florida, 32902.
3. Harris Fiber-Optic Linear Token Passing Bus (LTPB) Product Description, Harris Corp., Government Aerospace Systems Division, P.O. Box 94000, Melbourne, Florida, 32902.
4. M.S. Acarlar, G.J. Steiner, Packaging a Militarized Hybrid Optical Data Link, Connection Technol., February, 1990, 38–41.
5. M.S. Acarlar, J.K. Plourde, G.J. Steiner, M. Voitek, Physical design of the ODL® 250H militarized surface mount optical data link, Proceedings of the 40th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 1990, pp. 218–221.