1. ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals, Chap. 3.12, ASHRAE, Atlanta, 1993.
2. B. Glueck, Leistung von Kühldecken, Kühledecke und Raumluft, Fachinstitut Gebäude-Klima, Stuttgart, 1990.
3. Review of Low Energy Cooling Technologies, IEA-ECB and CS Annex 28 report, available by CANMET, c/o Darinka Tolot, 580 Booth Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0E4.
4. K. Fitzner, Displacement Ventilation and Cooled Ceilings Results of Laboratory Tests and Practical Installations, Proc. of Indoor Air '96, vol. 1, p. 41, Nagoya, 1996.
5. prENV 1752, Ventilation for Buildings, Design Criteria for the Indoor Environment, Draft European standard being prepared by CEN/TC 156.