1. A.J. Appleby, F.R. Foulkes, Fuel Cells—Hand Book, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1989.
2. Fuel cells – a 21st century power system
3. J.R. Selman, in: S.S. Penner (Ed.), Assessment of Research Needs for Advanced Fuel Cells by The DOE Advanced Fuel Cell Working Group (AFCWG), Permagon Press, New York, 1984.
4. T.G. Benamin, E.L. Camara, L.G. Marianowski, Handbook of Fuel Cell Performance, Contract no. EC-77C-03-1545, Chicago, IL, 1980.
5. L. Christner, L. Paetsch, P. Patel, M. Farooque, Scale-up of internal reforming molten carbonate fuel cells, in: Proceedings of the Fuel Cell Seminar, Long Beach, CA, 1988, p. 403.