1. T. Pinna, C. Rizzello, Failure mode and effect analysis for tritium systems of ITER FEAT, ENEA FUS-TN-SA-SE-R-017 (May 2001).
2. C. Rizzello, T. Pinna, Accident sequences analysis related to ITER FEAT fuel cycle systems, ENEA FUS-TN-SA-SE-R-004 (May 2001).
3. ITER Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR) (July 2001).
4. T. Pinna, R. Caporali, L. Burgazzi, Selection of accident sequences for the new design of ITER, Proceeding of the Fifth PSAM International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Osaka, Japan, November 27–Decmber 1, 2000 153–159.