1. R. Aymar, V. Chuyanov, M. Huguet, R. Parker, Y. Shimomura, et al., ITER project: a physics and technology experiment, IAEA-CN-64/01-1, 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., October, 1996.
2. E. Tada, S. Kakudate, T. Burgess, et al., Development of remote maintenance system for ITER blankets, IAEA-CN-64/FP-15, 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., October, 1996
3. Conceptual design studies of in-vessel viewing equipment for ITER, JAERI-Tech 96-010;Obara,1996
4. K. Obara, S. Kakudate, K. Oda, et al., Developement of radiation hard CCD camera and camera control unit, Proc. RADECS 97, Cannes, France, 1997, to be published.
5. Irradiation test of critical components for remote handling system in gamma radiation environment, JAERI-Tech 96-011;Obara,1996