1. T. Matsukawa, K. Shimada, M. Shioyama, S. Nomura, C. Neumeyer, S. Tsuji–Iio, R. Shimada, ‘Low Voltage, High Current d.c. Power Supply with Self Commutated Converter Using Power–MOSFET’, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, October 25–29, 1999, Albuquerque, NM, pp. 137–140
2. K. Shimada, T. Takaku, T. Matsukawa, R. Shimada, Bi–Directional Current Switch with Snubber regeneration Using P–MOSFET, Proceedings of the International Power Electronics Conference IPEC–Tokyo 2000, April 3–7, 2000, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1519–1524,
3. T. Matsukawa, M. Shioyama, K. Shimada, S. Nomura, C. Neumeyer, S. Tsuji–Iio, R. Shimada, DC Power Supply Using Power–MOSFET, for Nuclear Fusion Experimental System, Proceedings of the the International Power Electronics Conference IPEC–Tokyo 2000, April 3–7, 2000, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1591–1596