1. K. Rohrbach, M. Schmidt, Metals Handbook, vol. 1, 10th ed., ASM, Materials Park, OH, 1990, pp. 793–800.
2. S. Floreen, R.F. Decker, in: R.F. Decker (Ed.), Source Book on Maraging Steels, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1979, pp. 20–32.
3. R.F. Decker, S. Floreen, in: R.K. Wilson (Ed.), Maraging Steels: Recent Developments and Applications, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1988, pp. 1–38.
4. Precipitation reactions and strengthening behavior in 18 Wt Pct nickel maraging steels
5. Phase chemistry and precipitation reactions in maraging steels: Part I. Introduction and study of Co-containing C-300 steel