1. For this book Kevles interviewed 29 of NASA's women astronauts, including Japanese payload specialist Chiaki Mukai; seven male NASA astronauts; eight women cosmonauts, including French flyer Claudie Haignère (but no Russian male cosmonauts or colleagues); and a handful of other sources.
2. Dittmar ML. Engaging, the 18–35 generation: education outreach, interactive technologies, and space, Dittmar Associates, Inc., Houston, TX, 2006.
3. Belenky MF, Clinchy BM, Goldberger NR, Tarule JM. Women's ways of knowing: the development of self, voice, and mind, New York: Basic Books, 1997; and SG Harding, Whose science? Whose knowledge? Thinking from women's lives. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press; 1991.