1. The roles of Africa’s institutions in ensuring Africa’s active participation in the space enterprise: the case for an African space agency (ASA);Gottschalk;African Skies,2008
2. Abuja Declaration. Third conference of African ministers in charge of communication and information technologies, 3–7 August 2010, Abuja, Nigeria. Available at: http://www.africa-union.org/root/ua/conferences/2010/aout/ie/03-07aout/2010%20%20abuja%20declaration%20final%20verision%2010-8-2010%20englishrev110810.doc.
3. Statement posted online at: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/10/414&format=HTML&aged=1&language=EN[accessed on 12.02.12].
4. The African leadership conference on space science and technology for sustainable development;Martinez;Space Policy,2012
5. Highlights of IAC 2011 – the first international astronautical congress in Africa;Martinez;Space Policy,2012