1. See for example the following papers, presented at this conference: J. Heintze, Drift chambers and recent developments; W. Farr, B. Granz, J. Heintze, R. D. Heuer, P. Lennert, T. Nozaki, H. Rieseberg and A. Wagner, A drift chamber system for the detection of narrow particle jets from e+e− reactions; C. Fabjan, H. B. Jensen, J. Lindsay, J. O. Petersen, F. Piuz, F. Ranjard, E. Rosso, A. Rudge, S. Serednyakov and W. Willis, A drift chamber vertex detector for intersecting storage rings.
2. See for example: Proposal for a PEP Facility based on the time projection chamber, John Hopkins-LBL-UCLA-UCR-Yale Collaboration; Proposal for a 4π solid angle detector for the SPS used as a proton antiproton collider at a centre of mass of 540 GeV/SPSC 78-6, SPSC/P92.
3. These references give a detailed review of all physical phenomena involved in MWPC, their properties and extensive bibliography: F. Sauli, Principles of operation of multiwire proportional and drift chambers, Lectures given at the academic training programme of CERN 1975–1976, Yellow Report CERN 77-9
4. Spark, streamer proportional and drift chambers;Rice-Evans,1974