1. R. Hagedorn, M. G. N. Hine and A. Schoch, Non- linear orbit problems in synchrotrons. CERN Symposium 1956, Proceedings, vol. I, p. 237–253.
2. A. Schoch, Theory of linear and non-linear perturbations of betatron oscillations in alternating gradient synchrotrons. CERN 57-21.
3. R. Keller, M. Fidecaro et M. Barbier, Calcul d'orbites dans un synchro-cyclotron. CERN 57-45.
4. M. Barbier, A mechanical analogue for the study of betatron oscillations. CERN Symposium 1956, Proceedings, vol. I, p. 262–264.
5. M. Barbier and A. Schoch, Study of two-dimensional non-linear oscillations by means of an electromechanical analogue model, applied to particle motion in circular accelerators. CERN 58-5.