1. Agnew, L., Taquet, B., Bardoux, M., 1997. Compilation of the historical and recent exploration at Yaou gold project, French Guiana. Unpublished report, Golden Star Resources and Guyanor Resources, 61 pp.
2. Anonymous, 1997. Suriname: some remarks about the mineral potential. Unpublished report, Ministry of Natural Resources, Geological and Mining Service of Suriname, 6 pp.
3. Banerjee, A.K., Moorhead, G.A., 1971. Gold and sulfide mineralization in Guiana Shield. Unpublished report, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, 23 pp.
4. Bardoux, M., 1994. Preliminary report on the structural reconnaissance of the Pay Caro and Biji Asanjangmoni prospects, Gross Rosebel, NE Suriname. Unpublished report, Golden Star Resources, Denver, USA, 10 pp.
5. Bardoux, M., 1997. Metallogenic investigation of the St-Élie concession (Michel zone), French Guiana. Unpublished report, Golden Star Resources, Denver, USA, 10 pp.