1. Association of American Medical Colleges. A Guide to the Preparation of the Medical Student Performance Evaluation. Available at: www.aamc.org/members/gsa/mspeguide.pdf. Accessed November 3, 2004.
2. Adams D. Generation Gripe: Young doctors less dedicated, hardworking? American Medical News. February 2, 2004. Available at: www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2004/02/02/prl20202.htm. Accessed November 3, 2004.
3. Merritt, Hawkins and Associates. Summary Report 2004 Survey of Physicians. Available at: www.merritthawkins.com/pdf/2004_physician50_survey.pdf. Accessed November 3, 2004.
4. When Generations Collide;Lancaster,2002
5. Generations at Work;Zemke,2000