1. G. Freeman, et al., Continuity of care: report of a scoping exercise for the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO). SDO/2/2000, 2001 May.
2. The future of radiology reporting;Reiner,2002
3. DICOM Standards Committee, Working Group 20 and Working Group 8 (Public Comment, November 2004) Supplement 101: HL7 Structured Document Object References, NEMA Standards Publication, Rosslyn.
4. Health Level 7 Version 3 Standard (2000) Clinical Document Architecture Framework Release 1.0, Ann Arbor.
5. DICOM PS 3.18 (2004) Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects (WADO), NEMA Standards Publication, Rosslyn.