1. Abbott, W. A. Records of Visual Acuity. Araer. Jour. Ophth., v. 1, p. 71.
2. Affolter, A. Ophthalmoscopic Examination with Red-free Light. Graefe's Arch. f. Ophth., v. 94, Sept., 1917. Abst. Brit. Jour. Ophth., v. 2, p. 248.
3. Alexander, G. F. Recording Visual Acuity. (1 ill.) Brit. Jour. Ophth., v. 2, p. 277.
4. Alger, E. M. Malingering from Standpoint of Eye. New York State Jour. Med., v. 18, p. 487.
5. Bachstez, E. Estimation of “Sellaer” Length in Roentgen Image. (1 ill.) Zeit. f. Augenh., v. 36, p. 62.