1. Anonymous, 1990. Center for Disease Control, Update: Salmonella enteritidis infections and shell eggs in the United States, Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 39, 909–912
2. Anonymous, 1993. Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food. Report on Salmonella in eggs, 26–27
3. Dominanz von Salmonella Enteritidis bei Isolierungen aus Lebensmittel tierischer Herkunft in Nordbayern;Burow;Fleischwirt.,1992
4. Two outbreaks of Salmonella enteritidis PT4 infection associated with the consumption of fresh shell egg products;Cowden;Epidemiol. Infect.,1989
5. Salmonella enteritidis PT4 infection: association with hens’ eggs;Coyle;Lancet,1988