1. Status and prospects of UV-Nanoimprint technology
2. R. Voelkel, J. Duparre, F. Wippermann, P. Dannberg, A. Bräuer, R. Zoberbier, M. Gabriel, M. Hornung, S. Hansen, R. Suess, Technology Trends of Microlens Imprint Lithography and Wafer Level Cameras (WLC), MOC’08, Brussels, 2008.
3. J. Weixlberger, J. van Eekelen, in: SCIL – A Novel Nanoimprint Technology for Large Area Applications, Poster Presented at 34th International Conference on Micro and Nanoengineering, Athens, 2008.
4. R. Voelkel, K.J. Weible, M. Eisner, Micro-Optics Fabrication and Applications, ODF’08, Taipei, 2008.
5. Custom-specific UV nanoimprint templates and life-time of antisticking layers