1. Department of Academic Cardiology; Castle Hill Hospital; Cottingham Kingston upon Hull HU16 5JQ UK
2. Department of Primary Care and General Practice; University of Birmingham; Birmingham B15 2TT UK
3. Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Leeds General Infirmary; Leeds LS1 3EX UK
4. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery; The Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Birmigham B15 2TH UK
5. MRC Clinical Sciences Centre; Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital; London W12 0NN UK
6. Addenbrooke's Centre for Clinical Investigation, Addenbrooke's Hospital; Cambridge CB2 2QQ UK
7. Queen's Medical Centre; University Hospital Nottingham; NG7 2UH UK
8. Cardiothoracic Surgical Unit, Papworth Hospital; Cambridge CB3 8RE UK
9. The Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust; New Cross Hospital; Wolverhampton WV10 0QP UK
10. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit; Royal Brompton Hosptial; London SW3 6NP UK
11. Royal Brompton Hospital; London SW3 6NP UK
12. Cardiac Research Department; Northwick Park Hospital; Harrow Middlesex HA1 3UJ UK
13. Department of Cardiology; Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital; Exeter EX2 5DW UK