1. Thermochemistry of the Deacon Process
2. Critical Review of Catalysis for Ethylene Oxychlorination
3. Review and evaluation of clean hydrogen production by the copper–chlorine thermochemical cycle
4. L.V. Gurvich, I.V. Veyts, and C.B. Alcock, Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Substances, 4th Edition, Vol. 1 (Hemisphere, New York, 1989) and Iorish, V.S., Bergman, G.A., Gusarov, A.V., et al., Thermodynamic properties of individual substances, Vol. 5, http://www.chem.msu.su/rus/tsiv/, (accessed 18 September 2020).
5. NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables;Chase,1998