1. A Nickel Metal Hydride Battery for Electric Vehicles
2. Hydrogen absorption properties of several intermetallic compounds of the ZrNi system
3. Improvement of the electrochemical activity of ZrNiCr Laves phase hydride electrodes by secondary phase precipitation
4. L.V. Mogni, H.A. Peretti, A. Visintin, W.E. Triaca, in: Aquiles Sepúlveda (Ed.), Proceedings of the CONAMET/SAM–SIMPOSIO MATERIA 2002, Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 2002, vol. II, pp. 665–670; also published in Paulo Emílio Valadão de Miranda, Revista Matéria, ISSN 1517-7076 Rio de Janeiro, vol. 8, no. 3, 3rd Quarter, 2003, pp. 228–237 (http://www.materia.coppe.ufrj.br/sarra/artigos/artigo10242/index.htm).
5. A.C. Ayestarán, H.A. Peretti, Universidad de La Serena, Proceedings of the CONAMET/SAM 2004, La Serena, Chile, Ediciones Científicas y Tecnológicas Ltd. (edtecnica_cientifica@123mail.cl), Santiago de Chile, 2004, pp. 821–826.