1. Stereochemistry of Phosphorus(V) Fluorides
2. Molecular Structure of CF3PCl4: Infrared and Raman Spectra
3. Molecular Structure of (CF3)2PCl3: Infrared and Raman Spectra
4. Acetoxyphosphines
5. Commercial chlorine monofluoride contains several impurities which may be removed by passing the gas through vacuum traps maintained at —150° and —196° several times until the sample held at —196° is tensimetrically pure. Vapor pressure in the range —138 to —112° determine the equation log10p(mm) = 8.1593-0.0163T + 1.75 log10T —1099.8/T from which the normal b.p. = —100.7°C,ΔHv = 3.41 kcal mole−1 and the T.C. = 19.8 e.u. were calculated. The melting point was observed at —152.3±0.2°C (lit6 - 155°C). Useful check points for vapor pressure measurements at —111.86 and —126.9°C are 372.3 and 109.9mm respectively, and the corresponding calculated values are 372.22 and 109.84 mm. Published data6 differ considerably from the present values and given an abnormally low Trouton constant of 13.2 e.u. The trouton constant from the new data is more consistent with the accepted values of 18.6 and 18.5 e.u for fluorine and chlorine respectively.