1. NORSOK M –710 rev 2 October 2001: Qualification of non-metallic sealing materials and manufacturers.
2. K. Edmond, E. Ho and J. Routh: MODES Project Reports CR 7249: Determination of seal saturation times, CR 7378: Gas permeation testing, CR 7326: MODES fatigue testing, CR 7386: High temperature biaxial testing, and CR 7208: Observations of decompression cycling damage.
3. M. Davies and S. Sully: The effect of high pressure CO2 on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials. 15th International Conference on Fluid Sealing, Cranfield, UK, 1997 (BHR Group Ltd, UK, 1997).
4. MODES group members K. Edmond, E. Ho, R. Flitney (BHR Group), S. Groves (BP Exploration), J.-M. Rivereau (TotalFinaElf) and P. Embury (James Walker): Comparison of explosive decompression test protocols for elastomer seals in high pressure gas service. Paper 01109, NACE Corrosion Conference, 2001.
5. TotalFina GS – PVV142, Appendix H: Elastomer O-ring seals explosive decompression type testing procedure.