1. Maurer K. Maurer U. Alzheimer: The Life of a Physician and the Career of a Disease, Translated by Neil Levi, with Alistair Burns. New York: Columbia University Press; 2003, p. 211. [First published in German in 1998; Maurer K. Maurer U. Alzheimer: Das Leben eines Arztes und die Karriere einer Krankheit. München: Piper Verlag; 1998]. Alzheimer’s biographers reference the Schlesische Zeitung (Silesian News), a now defunct Prussian Newspaper (1742–1945), as the source for a number of sympathetic death notices publicized by Alzheimer’s close family, colleagues, and friends on Tuesday December 21st 1915. The quote reproduced here was shared by his assistants at the Breslau Psychiatry Clinic.
2. Graeber MB (2003) History of Neuroscience: Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), IBRO History of Neuroscience. Retrieved October/November 2015 from: http://ibro.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Alzheimer-Alois-2003.pdf. Professor Manuel Graeber is the only remaining active member of the ‘Munich School of Neuropathology’, which was originally founded by Nissl, Alzheimer, and Spielmeyer in the early 1900s, and finally closed in the year 2000.
3. Maurer K. Maurer U. (2003) Op Cit. p. 31.
4. Maurer K. Maurer U. (2003) Op Cit. p. 40.
5. über die Ohrenschmalzdrüsen [On the earwax glands]. Inaugural-Dissertation;Alzheimer,1888