1. Predtechensky M.R, Mayorov A.P. Expansion of laser plasma for condition of HTSC film deposition// Superconductivity: Phys. Chem. Techn, (to be published).
2. Predtechensky M.R, Mayorov A.P. Expansion of plasma in oxygen at laser deposition of HTSC film: theoretical model// Phys. C., (to be published).
3. Predtechensky M.R, Bulgakov A.V, Mayorov A.P, Roschin A.V. Method of Knudsen mesh for investigation of composition and energy of particles, falling on substrcete at laser deposition.// Piz'ma v Zn. Tekh. Fiz. (JTP Lett), (to be published).
4. Superconductivity;Predtechensky;Phys. Chem.Techn.,1992