1. Notes on heartwood decay in poplar;Acatay;Istanbul Üniv. Orm. Fak. Derg.,1961
2. Heart-rot hazard is low in Abies amabilis reproduction injured by logging;Aho;Res. Note U. S. For. Serv., Pacif. NthWest. For. Range Exp. Sta.,1960
3. Heartrot in bottomland hardwoods related to fire damage;Ahlgren;U. S. For. Serv., Sth. For. Exp. Sta.,1956
4. “F.A.O., E.C.A.F.E. Timber Trend Study for the Far East.”;Ahlgren,1958
5. En Studie av granrotrotans (Polyporus annosus Fr.) ekonomiska Konsekvenser;Arvidson;Svenska SkogsvFören. Tidskr.,1954