1. Odor Analysis of Decomposing Buried Human Remains
2. GCMS with a Thermal Desorber, Perkin Elmer, Sourced from: http://www.perkinelmer.com/AU/Catalog/Product/ID/ARSONANALYSIS, Viewed 29/06/2011.
3. GCMS with a Thermal Desorber, Agilent, Sourced from: http://www.chem.agilent.com, Viewed 29/06/11.
4. Australian Government National Pollution Inventory http://www.npi.gov.au/substances/carbon-disulfide/health.html Viewed 02/10/2011.
5. Durapore 0.45 um filters, Sourced from: http://www.millipore.com/processdev/pd3/clarificationmedia, Viewed 29/06/11.