1. Barney Sachs, 1858–1944;Sachs,1949
2. Ueber den Einfluss des Ruckenmarks auf die Harnsecretion;Sachs;Pflugers Arch ges Physiol,1881
3. The early years and rapid development of neurology in America and its relation to medical science;Sachs;J Mt Sinai Hosp,1944
4. Bibliography;Sachs;J Mt Sinai Hosp,1942
5. New York Times: Jan. 6, 1933a; Feb. 18, 1933b; Feb. 3, 1934a; Feb. 12, 1934b; May 10, 1934c; Jan. 25, 1935a; Mar. 3, 1935b; Nov. 15, 1935c; Sept. 30, 1940; Nov. 25, 1942; Feb. 9, 1944; Apr. 28, 1949; Sept. 14, 1961a; Sept. 15, 1961b; Sept. 16, 196lc.