1. This list of references does not include all articles in Bowden, Gibbs, and McCall (1984) and Miller, Smith, and Wherrett (1984). An attempt has been made to make this list complete, but the discovery of missing articles every day is proof to the contrary. The author would appreciate copies of missing articles.
2. [2.5] denotes that the reference in question is cited in Section 2.5, whereas (2.5) denotes that the reference is relevant to Section 2.5 even though it is not cited there.
3. Abraham, E., and Bullough, R. K. (1980). “Absorptive and dispersive optical bistability,” p. 245 in Laser Advances and Applications. Proceedings of the Fourth National Quantum Electronics Conference, B. S. Wherrett, ed. (Wiley, Edinburgh, Scotland).
4. “Space and time-dependent effects in optical bistability,”;Abraham;Opt. Commun.,1979
5. “Optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot cavity,”;Abraham;J. Opt. Soc. Am.,1980