1. Technical data extracted from website: .
2. J. Decours, et al., Austenitic stainless steels: assessment of progress in materials performance for reprocessing applications, in: Technical Committee Meeting on Materials Reliability in the Back-end of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Vienna, 1987.
3. G. Pinard-Legry, M. Pelras, G. Turluer, Corrosion resistance of metallic materials for use in nuclear fuel reprocessing, A Working Party Report on Corrosion in the Nuclear Industry, in EFC Publications, The Institute of Metals, 1989.
4. F. Mazaudier, G. Sanchez, P. Fauvet, Application de la méthode EPR au contrôle des aciers inoxydables de type 304L, in: Meeting ‘Corrosion dans les industries chimiques et parachimiques,’ Lyon, 1997.
5. ASTM A262, Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels.