1. “World Consumption of Primary Energy by Energy Type and Selected Country Groups,” Report of Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual, 2005.
2. “Energy Consumption: Consumption per Capita,” Technical Report by the World Resources Institute, http://www.wri.org. Retrieved on 10 October 2010.
3. “World per Capita Total Primary Energy Consumption, 1980–2006,” Report of Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual, 2006.
4. International Energy Outlook, Technical Report by the Energy Information Administration, Official Energy Statistics from the US Government, http://www.eia.doe.gov, 2008. Retrieved on 09 October 2010.
5. Energy Efficiency Measures and Technological Improvements, e8 Continuum of Action, Annual Activity Report 2007 to 2008. (e8 is an “Energy Organization” comprising 9 leading electricity companies from the G8 countries.)