1. G. Branca, Le Machine, Giacomo Manuci for Giacomo Mascardi, Rome, 1629, p. 55.
2. D. Papin, Nova methodus ad vires motrices validissimas levi pretio comparandas, Acta Eruditorum, Leipzig Grosse & Gleditsch (1690), ss. 410–414.
3. R. Stuart, Descriptive History of the Steam Engine, John Knight and Henry Lacey, London, 1824, p. 65.
4. J. Farey, A Treaties on the Steam Engine, Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London, 1827, p. 444.
5. T. Savery, The Miner’s Friend, or an Engine to Rais Water by Fire, Described, and of the Manner of Fixing it in Mines, with an Account of the Several Other Uses it is Applicable unto and an Answer to the Objections Made against it, S. Crouch, London, 1702.