1. Other biochemists then at NIH included Herbert Tabor, who worked with Sanford Rosenthal in the Division of Physiology; Leon Heppel and Bernard Horecker, members of the Division of Industrial Hygiene; and Arthur Kornberg, who worked with Floyd Daft and Henry Sebrell in the Division of Nutrition. These young men were in their formative years; they became well known for later contributions. Greenstein was active in building his own laboratory and urged that independent biochemical activities be supported in all of the Institutes. A list of Greenstein's publications is given in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (January 1960), vol. 24, no. 1,pp.xv-xxx, and in.
2. Amino Acids, Proteins, and Cancer Biochemistry,1960
3. Biochemistry of Cancer;Greenstein,1954
4. Enzyme activities and tumor progression;Weinhouse,1960