1. Andrews, P. B. 1967 Fades and genesis of a hurricane washover fan, St. Joseph Island, Central Texas Coast. Doctoral dissertation. Univ. Texas, Austin, 238 p.
2. Andrews, P. B. 1970 Fades and genesis of a hurricane washover fan, St. Joseph Island, Central Texas Coast Bur. Econ. Geology Rept. Inv. 67, Univ. Texas, Austin, 147 p.
3. Bernard, H. A., Major, C. F., Jr., Parrott, B. S., and LeBlanc, R. J., Jr. 1970 Recent sediments of southeast Texas - a field guide to the Brazos alluvial and deltaic plains and the Galveston barrier island complex. Bur. Econ. Geology Buidebook 11, Univ. Texas, Austin, 47 p. text, 97 figs.
4. Carr, J. T., Jr. 1967 The dimate and physiography of Texas. Texas Water Devel. Board Rept. 53, 27 p.
5. A morphogenetic approach to world shorelines;Davies;Zeits fur Geomoiph.,1964