1. Alexander, E. L., Jr., (1976), SCOPE: A simulation approach to computer performance evaluation using GASP IV. In “Summer Computer Simulation Conference.” Pp. 6–10.
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3. Duncavage, T., A GASP IV simulation of inventory control and production scheduling for a multi-product plant, Master's thesis, School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, May 1974.
4. Embury, M. C., Reklaitis, G. V. and Woods, J. M., (1976), Simulation of the operation of a staged multi-product process with limited interstage storage buffers. Presented at the Ninth International Conference on Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii.
5. Gracia, J. A. and Huhn, R. M., (1977), Using simulation to analyze pulse suffering network jitter. In “Winter Simulation Conference.” Gaithersburg, Maryland.