1. AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) (1946). Specification for the design of light gage steel structural members. Washington, DC.
2. AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) (1962). Specification for the design of light gage cold-formed steel structural members. Washington, DC.
3. AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) (2007a). Galvanized steel framing for residential buildings. Research Rep. RP06–1. Washington, DC.
4. AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) (2007b). North American cold-formed steel specification for the design of cold-formed steel structural members. Washington, DC.
5. AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) (2012a). North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing—Wall Stud Design, S211–07 edition with supplement 1 (reaffirmed 2012).