1. Resonant and Nonresonant Capture of Slow Neutrons inTm169(n, γ)Tm170
2. R. J. BAGLAN, C. D. BOWMAN, T. W. PHILLIPS, M. L. STELTS AND B. L. BERMAN Lawrence Radiat. Lab. Rep., UCRL-72243, 1970 to be published.
3. Concept of Parentage of Nuclear States and Its Importance in Nuclear Reaction Phenomena
4. Correlations and Distributions of Widths in Resonance Neutron Capture
5. R. E. CHRIEN “Neutron Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy,” Proc. Studsvik Symposium, August, 1969 (I.A.E.A., Vienna, 1969); K. Rimawi, R. E. Chrien, J. B. Garg, M. R. Bhat, D. I. Garber, and O. A. Wasson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23(1969), 1041.