1. European Crime Scene Management Good Practice Manual. OISIN Funded Project to Develop Standards of Performance for Crime Scene Management,2000
2. ENFSI, 2008. EA-5/03 Guidance for the Implementation of ISO/IEC 17020 in the Field of Crime Scene Investigation. Available at: http://www.european-accreditation.org/publication/ea-5-03-ta (accessed 18.11.14).
3. Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation;Fisher,2000
4. French Ministry of Justice, 2012. Circulaire du 25 avril 2012 relative à la mise en œuvre de la réforme de la médecine légale. [Circular of April 25th, 2012 relative to the implementation of the reform of the forensic medicine] Bulletin officiel complémentaire du Ministère de la Justice du 23 août 2012 – JUSD1221959C: 1-39. Available at: http://www.textes.justice.gouv.fr/art_pix/JUSD1221959C.pdf (accessed 18.11.14).
5. Practical Homicide Investigation. Checklist and Field Guide;Geberth,1997