1. 2019 in Review: The Global Economy Explained in 5 Charts IMFBlog 2019-12-23T12:36:10-05:00 December 18, 2019 | By Gita Gopinath, Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, and Malhar Nabar https://blogs.imf.org/?s=Iran.
2. Global growth: modest pickup to 2.5% in 2020 amid mounting debt and slowing productivity growth,2020
3. Crisis Group 2020. 10 Conlflicts to watch in 2019. [online] https://www.crisisgroup.org/global/10-conflicts-watch-2021
4. COVID-19 crisis: political and economic aftershocks,2020
5. How authoritarians are exploiting the COVID-19 crisis to grab power [Internet],2020