1. Hardt, E. (1992). Telecommunications: A pillar of social evolution. Commun. Week Int., 6th July 1992, Siemens Suppl., pp. 3, 4.
2. Microwaves and RF Editorial, January (1992). p. 7.
3. ITU CCIR (1978). Spectrum utilization and monitoring. Plenary Assembly, 14th, Kyoto, 1978, Vol. 1, Recom. 506, Rep. 326.
4. ITU (1990). “Definition of Spectrum Use and Efficiency,” Reports of the CCIR 1990 Annex to Vol. 1. Reps. 525, 656, 662–3. ITU, Geneva, Switzerland.
5. “Electromagnetic Compatibility in Radio Engineering,”;Rotkiewicz,1982