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2. Kvaternik, R. G., “The NASA/Industry Design Analysis Methods for Vibrations (DAMVIBS) Program - Accomplishments and Contributions”, Proceedings of the AHS National Technical Specialists Meeting on Rotorcraft Structures, Williamsburg, VA, October 29–31, 1991.
3. Gabel, R., “The Future: When Helicopter Smooth Surpasses Jet Smooth”, Keynote Address, AHS National Specialists' Meeting on Helicopter Vibration, Hartford, CT, Nov. 2–4, 1981.
4. Taylor, R.B., “Helicopter Vibration Reduction by Rotor Blade Modal Shaping,” Presented at the 38th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Washington, D. C., May 1982.
5. Wei, F. S., and Jones, R., “Blade Vibration Reduction Using Minimized Rotor Hub Force Approach,”, 2nd International Conference on Basic Rotorcraft Research, College Park, Maryland, Feb. 1988.