1. The citations need not necessarily be the first publications; furthermore they do not indicate the legal patent position. Parenthetical notations represent day, month, and year.
2. BP 341,461.
3. CIBA, DBP 1,016,230 (15.12.1953).
4. BASF, FP 1,212,162 (31.8.1957) S, BeP 605,297 (24.6.1960); Gy. BeP 608,990 (11.10.1960); S, BeP 617,509 (12.9.1961).
5. Gy, DBP 1,111,317 (23.4.1958) BeP 577,990 (23.4.1958); S, SP 401,302 (9.3.1961); BeP 618,604 (12.6.1961); 625,916 (22.12.1961); Gy, BeP 627,436 (24.1.1962).