1. “A simplified proof of the characterization theorem for Gröbner-Bases,”;Bachmair;ACM SIGSAM Bull.,1980
2. Bachmair, Leo and Dershowitz, Nachum (1986). Critical Pair Criteria for the Knuth-Bendix Completion Procedure. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (Also in J. Symbolic Computation 6 (1), Aug 1988.)
3. “A criterion for detecting unnecessary reductions in the construction of Gröbner-Bases,”;Buchberger,1979
4. Buchberger, Bruno (1984). “A critical pair/completion algorithm for finitely generated ideals in rings,” In Logic and Machines: Decision Problems and Complexity (LNCS 171) (E. Börger, ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 137–161. (Proc. Symp. “Rekursive Kombinatorik”, Münster, Federal Republic of Germany, May, 1983).
5. Bündgen, Reinhard (1987). Design, Implementation, and Application of an Extended Ground-Reducibility Test. Master's thesis, Computer and Information Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. (Reprinted as Tech. Report, Computer and Information Sciences, University of Delaware, 1987).