1. Golden Guide for Children's Books;Abed,2015
2. Shi'r al-atfal fi al-watan al-arabi [Children's Poetry in the Arab World];Al-Safadi,2008
3. Surat Al-Tofl fi-Adab Al-Atfal: Al-Rosoum fi Kotob Al-Atfal Al-Musawwara Ala-Masriyah [The Image of the Child in Children's Literature: Illustrations in Egyptian Picture Books];Al-Zayyat,2011
4. Al-Taqreer Al-“Arabi Al-Awwal li”l-Tanmiya Al-Thaqaafiyya;Arab Thought Foundation (ATF),2008
5. Surat Al-Tofl fi Rosoumat Kotob Al-Tofl Al-Falasteeni [The Image of the Child in the Illustrations of Palestinian Children's Books];Batran,2011