1. Avoiding Steam-Bubble-Collapse-Induced Water Hammer in Piping Systems;Chou;EPRI Report EPRI NP-6447,1989
2. Evaluation of Waterhammer Occurrence in Nuclear Power Plants;U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission;NRC Report NUREG-0927,1984
3. Diagnosis of Condensation - Induced Waterhammer;Izenson;NRC Report NUREG/CR-5220,1988
4. Initiation of Waterhammer in Horizontal and Nearly Horizontal Pipes Containing Steam and Subcooled Water;Bjorge;ASME Journal of Heat Transfer,1984
5. Investigation of Cold Leg Water Hammer in a PWR Due to the Admission of Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) During a Small Break LOCA;Jackobek;NRC Report NUREG/CR-3895,1984