1. CMEA—On the Threshold of Major Changes. At the 45th Session of the Council for Mutual Economic Aid,1990-1990
2. Good Foundation Laid—Pravda Interviews N.I. Ryzhkov;Zhmyrev,1990-1990
3. The membership of CMEA has changed over time. The original members were Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union. Albania stopped participating in 1961. Mongolia joined in 1962, Cuba in 1972, and Vietnam in 1978. The German Democratic Republic withdrew in 1990. This paper will concentrate on the European members of CMEA because they have formed the core of the organization.
4. Today is not 1968,1990-1990
5. CSSR's Calfa Interviewed,1990-1990