1. Aouchiche, M., J. M. Bonnefoy, A. Fidahoussen, G. Caporossi, P. Hansen, L. Hiesse, J. Lacheré, A. Monhait, Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs 14: the AutoGraphiX 2 system, in L. Liberti and N. Maculan (editors) "Global optimization: from theory to implementation", Springer (2005), to appear
2. Aouchiche, M., G. Caporossi, P. Hansen, Automated comparison of graph invariants, submitted
3. Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs 8. Variations on graffiti 105;Aouchiche;Congressus Numerantium,2001
4. Aouchiche, M., P. Hansen, Automated results and conjectures on average distance in graphs, submitted
5. Aouchiche, M., P. Hansen, Recherche à voisinage variable de graphes extrémaux 13. À propos de la maille, submitted